Now What?

Let’s just say, this week has been long, tiring, draining and very frustrating. So many people I know, people I care about and respect, have been seriously considering moving out of the country. Canada and Costa Rica seem to be the top choices right now. Part of me doesn’t blame them…I’ve thought about it myself. But instead of looking at it like we’ve just been screwed out of four years, why not look at it as four years to educate people (including ourselves), four years to fight back, four years to let everyone know what we think. Everything isn’t completely out of our hands. Yes, the voter turnout was better, but what about those 18-25 year olds? They, more than anyone else, are going to be affected most by the next four years. Where do you think the draft will start? This past week has been a fog. I’m afraid for my boyfriend and my brothers who could get drafted to fight this senseless war. I’m afraid for myself…just because Bush doesn’t think a woman can make decisions about her own body, doesn’t mean he won’t ask her (or force her) to carry a gun into battle. I’m afraid for my younger siblings who are going to inherit this mess. I’m afraid for all those people who are serving Bush’s ideals under the guise of serving our country. I’m afraid, but I am hopeful and thankful. I’m thankful for my friends Jill and Pete (and countless strangers) who got out there and spent so much of their time campaigning, getting people to the polls. I’m thankful for the person in my complex that makes me smile as I drive past her car plastered with bumper stickers, letting everyone know how she feels. I’m thankful for all those friends who called and emailed me on November 3rd with condolences and uplifting photos, bumper stickers and t-shirts (Republicans for Voldemort!). I’m thankful that I do live here, despite it’s current state of affairs, because I have a choice, I am allowed to make my choice and to make it known. Pete sent out his final email journal from his trip to Arizona today.
Please read it, it gives me hope.

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